Code The Dream
2024 - Present
Code the Dream trains people from diverse, low-income backgrounds in software development. After the training, apprentices hone their skills by building apps and technology platforms, ultimately using that experience to launch new careers with enormous opportunity.
Code the Dream offers high-quality, free training in software development to people from diverse, low-income backgrounds. In CTD Labs, apprentices work with experienced mentors to hone those skills by building apps and technology platforms for a range of nonprofit, business and government clients. The ultimate aim of Code the Dream is to create a unique win-win, where participants gain real experience building apps that make the world a little better place, and then use that experience to launch new careers with enormous opportunity for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Arbor Rising is partnering with the Code the Dream management team on a number of key deliverables, including:
Maximizing the impact and revenue potential of the apprenticeship program.